Throughout the morning, people with and without disabilities worked together to improve different spaces within the association. They assembled furniture to renovate the waiting room of AMI3’s Early Care and Treatment Center, creating a more welcoming environment for those who use the service. They also prepared seedbeds for the COFOIL (Occupational Training, Opportunities, and Employment Center) garden, carefully placing seeds and soil under the guidance of AMI3 users.

The day also featured an educational session on accessibility. Volunteers received training on pictograms, a visual communication system used by some people with intellectual disabilities. They even created their own pictograms, reflecting on the importance of visual aids in fostering inclusion. To wrap up the day, they took part in a collaborative painting workshop, where creativity became a tool for expression and connection among all participants.

AMI3 emphasized the significance of this activity in creating more dignified and accessible spaces and expressed their gratitude to the 19 Atresmedia volunteers who made this day of collaboration and shared learning possible.