Cooking became the perfect excuse to get to know each other and practice Spanish. Through this activity, all attendees shared a day of inclusion through one of the most valuable axes of culture: gastronomy.
With activities like this one, refugees can improve their communication skills in the language they are learning as well as in different social contexts that can help them to feel integrated among society. In this case, refugees learned to prepare Spanish omelete and Salmorejo, while comparing them with other recipes and allowing volunteers to learn details about their countries of origin.
Organized into groups, they cooked different dishes, coordinated by a language facilitator. But soon other activities arose and there was also time to dance, sing and get to know each other better. Finally, and once the dishes were prepared, they shared the food together and chatted until the end of the activity.
About CEAR:
CEAR has been defending the right to asylum and human rights since 1979, promoting the integral development of refugees who have been fleeing war conflicts or human rights violations, asylum seekers, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and/or in risk of social exclusion. Its mission is to defend and promote Human Rights and the comprehensive development of this group.