While its operations do not generate a significant environmental impact in terms of carbon emissions, Atresmedia is aware of the need to join the fight against climate change. In order to formalise and solidify this commitment, in 2022 the Group worked to define its Net Zero strategy and set concrete emission reduction targets with the aim of becoming Net Zero by 2050. In 2023, the Company’s decarbonisation strategy and targets were endorsed and verified by the prestigious Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Atresmedia has publicly committed to achieve a 90% reduction in its scope 1+2 and 3 emissions by 2050, on the path to becoming Net Zero
This strategy brings together and strengthens the various actions undertaken by the Group over the years, which are now having a real impact on the reduction targets. As a show of Atresmedia’s fight against climate change, and in response to the requirements of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, in 2022 Atresmedia carried out its first physical climate risk assessment, in which it identified the Group’s potential vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change.
As mentioned earlier, Atresmedia is committed, through its Net Zero strategy, to the deep decarbonisation of its operations and value chain. This commitment means achieving net zero carbon emissions (CO2 and other polluting gases) by 2050. To achieve this, specific reduction targets have been set (Near-term by 2030 and Net-Zero by 2050) with the aim of helping to reach a global temperature increase of no more than 1.5 ºC and to avoid a climate scenario of no return, in line with the Paris Agreement. To meet the established objectives, Atresmedia must reach the year 2050 with a 90% reduction of its scope 1+2 and scope 3 emissions, compared to the emissions contemplated in its 2019, its base year. In addition, it must offset 10% of remaining emissions through financial investment in verified carbon capture projects. Regarding the short term (Near-Term), Atresmedia has publicly committed to reaching the year 2030 with a reduction of 86.1% of its scope 1+2 emissions and 28% of its scope 3 emissions.
Furthermore, thanks to its commitment to correct environmental management and the fight against climate change, Atresmedia obtained, for the first time, an A- in the CDP climate reference questionnaire, placing it above the average for the sector and its main competitor. that remain in B.
Below is the status of the evolution of the strategy, compared to 2019 and Atresmedia's carbon footprint in 2023:

- Find out more about Atresmedia's Fight against climate change at this link -