Through this campaign that was disseminated on Atresmedia coinciding with World ALS Day -on June 21-, the Luzón Foundation, together with other entities of the ELA Community, launched a collection of signatures on ' 'to request more aid from public administrations for people affected by ALS. Through the campaign, they wanted to make visible that having ALS in
Spain involves an average expenditure of € 35,000 per year (personal caregivers, home adaptations, auxiliary aid devices, treatments and care...) and that most patients cannot pay for these expenses and end up putting their families in debt.
With a shocking message where the protagonist puts on sale some things that the ALS that suffers has made him give up and that he will no longer use, the campaign has managed to mobilize more than 133,000 people who have signed the petition and asked the Government helps to guarantee the care that these people need to have a decent quality of life regardless of where they reside.
In Spain, every day, 3 new cases of ALS are diagnosed and 3 people die from this disease. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons in the brain while intellectual abilities remain intact. It is a cruel disease of which the causes are unknown and, for the moment, incurable.
This collaboration with Fundación Luzón is part of the pro-bono project of Atresmedia Group, whereby it broadcasts advertising communications at no cost for social entities that meet certain requirements. With this initiative, the company disseminates the work of numerous foundations and associations that serve people with disabilities, by broadcasting their advertising spots on all its TV channels, radio stations and digital platforms. These free campaigns increase their number of members, as well as their capacity to raise social awareness and to explain the social problems that they tackle.