In Spain there are 809,000 women in working age with disabilities and only 16% of them have a contract. The 8M Challenge of the Eurofirms Foundation seeks the socio-occupational integration of these women through a person-centred model which Atresmedia has joined to help improve their employability.
As part of this commitment, the Atresmedia Group has committed itself to this cause through three different actions:
- Carrying out an awareness-raising campaign to facilitate the integration of this group in the workplace.
- Promoting the employment of people with disabilities through training. (Atresmedia has made three grant positions available to Eurofirms Foundation for any of its beneficiaries in any of the courses in the Atresmedia Formación catalogue, as part of the project that it carries out together with Fundación Universia, on training grants for people with disabilities. The grant covers 100% of the cost of the training).
- Raising awareness of this problem through a corporate volunteering activity in which Atresmedia volunteers will give training workshops with the aim of helping in the integration into the workplace of women with disabilities participating in the 8M Challenge.
Through this project, Atresmedia is collaborating to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality, as part of its commitment to support, with its policies, initiatives and dissemination capacity, the achievement of those SDGs in which the Group's contribution can be greater and have a special impact.
About Eurofirms Foundation
Eurofirms Fundació Privada is a national non-profit organisation that was founded 14 years ago with the aim of integrating people with disabilities into the labour market, guaranteeing accessibility to the workplace and contributing to their development within society.