This year, Carmen, Gonzalo, Marta, and Patricia have been chosen to carry out the volunteer work at the shelter for unschooled children in Nakuru, Kenya, a project by the Mariana Allsopp Foundation. Our colleagues, workers of laSexta and Atresadvertising departments, will perform various tasks, from attending to the children's basic needs and developing workshops and leisure activities to providing educational support and offering them a safe space.

The project will take place from July 20 to August 4 and can be followed through our social media. The volunteers will be posting about their experience daily on social media so that we can better understand the work of this foundation and not miss anything. You can follow it on our Instagram account!

Mariana Allsopp Foundation

The Mariana Allsopp Foundation (FMA), established in 2017, works to open doors of hope in various parts of the world for women, young people, and children who lack the necessary support to live.

The shelter in Nakuru, Kenya, provides a safe haven for children aged 6 to 15 from poor and broken families. The shelter attends to their basic needs and works towards their education to provide them with a more hopeful future.