The responsibility for the social sustainability of the content broadcast by Atresmedia comes to the forefront when covering key political, economic or social events and situations where truthful and quality news content is an absolute must. It is also embodied in Atresmedia’s pledge to function as a mouthpiece for social issues and concerns, showing society in all its diversity and making numerous social causes more visible, thus helping to raise public awareness and calling society to action by undertaking different campaigns and initiatives (see 8.2.2. Commitment to the society surrounding Atresmedia).

Atresmedia formally sets out its commitments to society in its General Corporate Responsibility Policy, which was updated in 2021 in response to emerging social changes. This policy was approved by the Audit and Control Committee and is further supplemented by other policies and commitments that build on the Group’s commitment to society and the environment:

Atresmedia also worked on drafting a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy in 2023, which will be approved in early 2024, to set out the Group’s commitments to these values.

Atresmedia offers a quality-based model and is firmly committed to the social sustainability of its content

As mentioned earlier, the principles and commitments set out in the General Corporate Responsibility Policy are a key element when it comes to building the Company’s strategic priorities and in steering the actions undertaken to achieve them.

The Atresmedia Corporate Responsibility Committee, set up in 2010, meets annually to address the Company’s sustainability challenges and objectives with an all-encompassing perspective, thanks to the representation of various corporate areas that are key to success in the daily management of sustainability (Human Resources, General Services, Operational Management, Internal Audit, Corporate Governance, Advertising, Content, News, Suppliers, Finance and Strategy). Some of the most topical issues addressed by the Committee in 2023 included the regulatory tsunami in sustainability, the Company’s Net Zero strategy, the commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the launch of the Zero Waste project to ensure proper waste management.

Each year, the Group reports on the progress made towards the commitments set out in the General Corporate Responsibility Policy by disclosing relevant information in its Statement of Non-financial Information (SNFI), on Atresmedia’s corporate responsibility website, which is regularly updated, and on its non-financial dashboard.

Atresmedia includes its commitment to society and the environment in its General Corporate Responsibility Policy, which reflects its tireless efforts to become more sustainable.

For all these reasons, and given that Atresmedia considers corporate responsibility to be part and parcel of its strategy, the Group strives to find and learn from good practices in other sectors, as well as the latest trends in ESG matters and any regulations that may have a direct or indirect impact on the Company. Along these lines, Atresmedia plays a proactive role in the Transparency, Social Commitment and Environment clusters of Forética, a benchmark organisation in sustainability and corporate social responsibility in Spain. It is also actively involved in the activities carried out by the SERES Foundation and the Global Compact and attends the quarterly meetings of the Responsible Media Forum, all of them prominent organisations that work hard to integrate social, environmental and good governance aspects into the strategy and management of companies.