The main objectives of the HR policy and, therefore, of people management are:

Main objectives of the HR policy
Main objectives of the HR policy | Atresmedia
Key HR figures in 2022
Key HR figures in 2022 | Atresmedia

In 2022, Atresmedia Group team comprised a total of 2,508 people, up 1.5% on the previous year. Of this total number, 1,325 were women (52.8%) and 1,183 (47.2%) were men, with an average age of 42 years. The average length of service of the workforce is 12.5 years. Of the total number of employees, 1.7% (44 individuals) had some form of disability. Atresmedia had a voluntary turnover rate of 6.4% (compared to 6.5% in 2021) and involuntary turnover of 18.1% (compared to 37.7% in 2021)

There was a total of 365 new hires in 2022 who remained on the workforce at the end of the year, of whom 213 were women and 152 were men. As regards contract type, 43.6% held an open-ended contract. Meanwhile, the total number of new hires in 2022 came to 520.

In 2022, job stability and optimal working conditions remained key objectives for the Company, especially in the realm of people management. These objectives are maintained as a sign of Atresmedia’s commitment to the well-being of its workforce and the Group’s commitment to a working environment in which people take centre stage.

Atresmedia’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Human Resources Policy reflect the Group’s commitment to equality and diversity. The Human Resources Policy explicitly includes among its objectives that of “fostering equality, diversity and work-life balance” by guaranteeing equal treatment regardless of race, age, gender, political orientation, social status or religious beliefs.

In 2022, Atresmedia approved a new Equality Plan for Atresmedia Corporación to illustrate its commitment to promoting equality and also to comply with the requirements set out in Royal Decree 901/2020, of 13 October, on equality plans and their registration and amending Royal Decree 713/2010, of 28 May, on the registration and filing of collective bargaining agreements, and Royal Decree 902/2020, on equal pay for women and men.

The Head of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Atresmedia Corporación Equality Plan. Aside from the new Plan, Atresmedia Corporación has an Equality Committee, which is tasked with ensuring compliance with the Plan and taking action to promote equality.

The general objectives of the new Equality Plan are as follows:

Ensure equal treatment and opportunities for men and women within the company

Integrate measures aimed at reconciling work and family life into the plan.

Notably, Atresmedia Corporación employees may avail themselves of the following measures provided for under Equality Plan, business interests permitting:

-Flexible start and end times of 30 minutes

-Continuous working hours on Fridays

- Intensive 7-hour working day (no lunch break) during the summer months of July and August

- Extension of maternity leave to 18 weeks Early payment of two extra yearly payments Telework (working from home)

-Choice of full days off for breastfeeding leave Fostering gender diversity in management and senior management positions, so that when a vacancy arises, at least one of the candidates should be a woman

-Fostering gender diversity in management and senior management positions, so that when a vacancy arises, at least one of the candidates should be a woman

The Equality Plan also includes protection for maternity, pregnancy and breastfeeding in the workplace by preventing any form of direct or indirect discrimination against women who find themselves in this situation. To succeed in this task, the Corporation has drawn up a Maternity and Breastfeeding Guide, which was approved by the Equality Committee in June 2022 and sets out the obligations incumbent on the employer to achieve effective protection.

Atresmedia is equally committed to the prevention of harassment. In 2022, it included in its Equality Plan the Protocol against sexual harassment and gender-based harassment, which is available to all employees on the Company’s intranet.

That women accounted for 52.8% of the workforce as of December 2022, compared to 52.5% in 2021, is a clear reflection of Atresmedia’s commitment to gender equality.