The aid enabled the international humanitarian NGOs, that are part of the Alliance, to cover much of the vital work areas that emerged after this humanitarian crisis, which affected 15.73 million people in Syria and Turkey. They assisted, from the very beginning, the people living in the affected areas and the most vulnerable groups, supplying and reactivating hospitals and temporary shelters.

103,535 earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria received healthcare through mobile clinics for the injured and medical supplies, which supported existing hospitals in the area.

The population in these situations is highly vulnerable, and the commitment of the organizations that are part of the Spanish Emergency Committee is to work to ensure respect for fundamental human rights such as safety, dignity, and integrity. Additionally, through child care centres, psychosocial support is provided to children, and families are assisted so they can offer their children the care they need. More than 6,000 children have received education and/or school support, 2,500 dignity kits have been distributed to women and girls, and 17,000 people have received support or assistance related to gender-based violence.

Atresmedia collaborates with the Emergency Committee since its inception by disseminating, through all its communication channels (television, radio, and digital platforms), calls for solidarity to the public in crisis situations identified by the Emergency Committee, aiming to inform society on how to help in each case. Since 2015, it has helped raise over €5,200,000 in its campaigns.

Emergency Committee

The Spanish Emergency Committee is comprised of six international NGOs: SOS Children's Villages, Educo, Doctors of the World, Oxfam Intermón, Plan International, and World Vision. The Committee was established to provide a rapid response mechanism in emergency situations that allows for increased citizen support in various humanitarian crises; to act as a permanent link between NGOs, companies, media, and the public; to increase social trust in NGOs during emergencies by being accountable for the impact of their actions; and to jointly serve as a reference for emergency aid to society.