The initiative is based on the collaboration of entities committed to the diversity and labour inclusion of this group and has a vocation of continuity. In fact, giventhe success of the first edition, which took place during the 2020/21 academic year and ended with 35 scholarships awarded, Atresmedia has opened a second edition adding new alliances, this time with the Randstad Foundation and for the 2021/22 academic year. The agreement between both entities will begin with the awarding of 10 scholarships, expandable to 20, starting on Thursday 14th of October.

The Corporate General Director and Director of the Atresmedia Foundation, Patricia Pérez, and the Director of the Randstad Foundation, María Viver, signed this agreement at the headquarters of the audiovisual group, in an event that was attended by Lucio Fernández, Director of Human Resources at Atresmedia, and Susana Gato, Director of Corporate Responsibility at Atresmedia and deputy director of the Atresmedia Foundation.

The scholarship holders will have the opportunity to learn from professionals with extensive experience in different subjects related to the audiovisual and business sectors. The Atresmedia group will finance 80% of the training scholarship to each student and the Randstad Foundation will disseminate these training aids among people with disabilities to whom it directs its activities, whose registrations can be made here.

In order to access them, applicants must:

  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Have a disability certificate equal to or greater than 33%.
  • Have a professional training or university degree related to Journalism, Media Communication, Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations or similar.

Through these scholarships they will be able to receive any of the courses available in the Atresmedia Formación catalog, a project aimed at training future media professionals in a commitment to the progress and development of the sector. Thanks to the technical capacity and background of the professionals of Atresmedia - the leading communication group in Spain, with key positions in the television, radio, film, internet and advertising sectors- we offer a wide range of training, practical and specialized, which includes the most competitive areas of the sector.

The ultimate objective of this alliance is to achieve the integration of people with disabilities in the audiovisual sector and to open specialized employment opportunities for this group.

The promotion of equality and diversity is part of the commitments undertaken by Atresmedia in its General Corporate Responsibility Policy and Human Resources Policy. This commitment is embodied in the company's Equality Plan, as well as in a disability management strategy that is based on three lines of action:

1. Employability and training. Atresmedia encourages the hiring of people with disabilities in order to achieve their integration into the world of work, as well as their training through different projects.

2. External and internal awareness. Atresmedia carries out a work of information and social awareness in relation to people with disabilities both through its contents and its advertising spaces. In addition, through corporate volunteering and various internal awareness-raising initiatives, it brings the reality of people with disabilities closer to their staff in order to achieve the full inclusion of this group.

3. Accessibility of contents. Atresmedia promotes the accessibility of the content that it broadcasts in order to guarantee the right to information of all people, regardless of their hearing or visual ability.

Randstad Foundation

Randstad Foundation was born in 2004 with the mission of achieving equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Their work consists of developing their employability, through itineraries of socio-labour insertion aligned with the professional opportunities offered by the companies they work for, which are also helped to develop integration plans in their workforce and corporate diversity projects.

Since its existence, the Randstad Foundation has served a total of 44,146 people, trained 15,618 and has won 15,702 contracts aimed at promoting the labor integration of people with disabilities and at risk of exclusion.