Atresmedia is aware that people are the main asset and value of companies and therefore promotes inclusion and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Daniel worked at the production department of Atresmedia by means of a labour insertion project in 2016, and that year he also had another new position in the Group, this time at the advertising department: 'For me, the return to Atresmedia means coming back to where I grew the most and felt better in my working life. Here I lived the best years of my professional life and I always felt very valued. Now I'm coming back in a different position, but with the same feeling and enthusiasm as the first time.'

Daniel believes that progress is gradually being made in the labour integration of people with disabilities, but that 'there is still a lot of work to do to achieve full inclusion, as it is a long road that requires, among other things, major social change'. From his experience, he encourages companies to bet on diversity and give a chance to many people 'with spectacular abilities and talent who are often made invisible by society'.

Jacqueline, who has always considered herself a 'determined, strong and enterprising woman', tells an experience similar to that of her peers: 'I am fulfilling my dream. It is not common at all to graduate and, in less than a month, to join the labour market in a company as big as Atresmedia'. Jacqueline works on Atresmedia Radio, a place that makes her especially excited because the radio has long become her 'traveling companion from home to college and from work to home'. She is grateful to Atresmedia for its commitment to labour equality and its bet on diversity: 'I think these principles are very positive for society and a reference for other companies.'

The Atresmedia team was composed of 2,527 people in 2019, 45 of which had some disability, like Daniel or Jacqueline. Beyond the numbers, it is their stories that reflect the Group's commitment to incorporating disabled employees into its workforce, thus meeting the reservation quota provided for in the General Disability Law and increasing the value of the company.