Born in Barcelona in 1963. Rosa María has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Instituto Químico de Sarriá (IQS) and a Masters in IESE Business School from University of Navarre in the Corporate Senior Management Programme - PADE (2006-2007).

Since 2003, she has been CEO of LLeal, S.A., a company founded in 1874 engaged in the construction, manufacture and marketing of capital goods for the chemical, cosmetics, food, pharmaceutical, paint and pigment industries, and head of a holding company comprising Lleal, S.A., LLeal Internacional, S.L., LLeal System, S.A., Lleal Planta Solar, S.L., Lleal Internacional Renovables and Majiu, S.L.

Other positions: Chief Executive Officer of Lleal Internacional, S.L. and Majiu, S.L. and Director of Lleal Planta Solar, S.L. and Lleal Internacional Renovables, S.L.

She is currently Deputy Chair of EXPOQUIMIA (Fira de Barcelona), a member of the Board of Trustees of the Instituto Químico Sariá (IQS) and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fundación CONTIGO contract against Women’s Cancer