1. Collaborations with entities to promote the SDGs:

  • Since 2017, it has lent its support toCOMPANIES4SDG, developed by the Global Compact and Red Voluntare to promote the SGDs through corporate volunteering.
  • It is also promoter of Reconocimientos GoODS developed by the Global Compact and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, which recognise innovations that help achieve the SDGs, encourage and inspire Spain’s private sector to achieve the SDGs and drive cooperation and dissemination of the 2030 Agenda.
  • In 2020 Atresmedia produced the ESG Spain 2020 Corporate Sustainability Forum, the benchmark business forum on sustainability in Spain promoted by Forética, which analyzed the present and future trends of Sustainability in the post-COVID-19 era, aligned with the SDGs. Its eighth edition was held on the Group's sets through an innovative television program that had the online participation of more than 1,500 people from Spain, Europe and Latin America.
2. Internal initiatives for employees aligned with the SDGs:

  • Atresmedia promotes its ATRESMEDIAXODS initiative every year, coinciding with the commemoration of the launch’s anniversary of the SDGs, with the aim of raising awareness to employees and to society as a whole about the importance of these global objectives. Every year, various internal communication and participation actions are implemented among employees, as well as specific coverage to promote knowledge about the SDGs and personal commitment to help achieve them.
  • Atresmedia has a Corporate Volunteering program aligned with the SDGs through which it collaborates with numerous social entities that work with different groups and social problems, thanks to the selfless participation of its volunteers, Group workers.
3. Compromiso Atresmedia and Fundación Atresmedia:

  • The educational and values promotion activities of Fundación Atresmedia contribute to achieving different SDGs.